Aarhus Universitets segl

New SAC Postdoc - Kuldeep Verma

Kuldeep Verma has joined the Stellar Astrophysics Centre on 1 October 2016

Kuldeep Verma has joined the group of Victor Silva Aguirre as a postdoctoral researcher on 1 October 2016. He will focus his research on accurate and precise determination of the stellar properties, particularly the mass, radius, age, envelope convection zone thickness, and the envelope helium abundance, using the data from current and future space missions to study the stellar interior and to constrain the properties of exoplanets and models of galactic evolution.

He earned his PhD from Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai, in the year 2016, where he worked on asteroseismology of sun-like main-sequence stars using the data from Kepler satellite.