Aarhus Universitets segl

Natalie Batalha named one of the 100 most influential people by Time Magazine

SAC's node at NASA Ames is headed by Natalie Batalha. She leads the science investigation effort for the Kepler satellite

Time Magazine ran a short article on Batalha's accomplishments. Batalha is the first woman at NASA to receive the Time 100 designation.

"I'm honored to be part of the TIME 100 and feel strongly that recognition belongs to the entire team of scientists and engineers who opened our eyes to the large number of potentially habitable worlds that populate the galaxy," said Batalha. "Searching for potentially habitable worlds makes one appreciate just how precious living worlds are. I hope that the discoveries from the Kepler spacecraft inspire people to learn more about other planets, and, in turn, make us love this one all the more."

The Time list was published 1 May and up to this date NASA published a press release with some more background.