Aarhus Universitets segl

Mia Sloth Lundkvist awarded IDA PhD prize for 2015

The new yearly IDA PhD Prize has been awarded on 14 June during the Annual National Astronomy Meeting at Sandbjerg Estate. Nominations from supervisors of Danish PhD theses defended in 2015 have been recieved by the evaluations committee, and the theses have been evaluated on basis of their scientific exellence. The committee has unanimously decided to award the prize to Mia Sloth Lundkvist from Stellar Astrophysics Centre, Aarhus University for her PhD thesis titled 'Asteroseismology of solar-like stars - Exoplanet hosts in the Kepler era'. Mia is presently in a post doc position at Zentrum für Astronomie der Universität Heidelberg. The prize this year consists of a Coronado PST H-alpha solar telescope. Congratulations to Mia from all of SAC.