Aarhus Universitets segl

IFA Ideas - Mads won again!

First prize in the IFA Ideas 2017 competition was given to SAC's Mads Fredslund Andersen. He suggested improving our video-studio facilities.

Mads Fredslund Andersen explaining a point

With Mads as prime mover we have been producing a series of short videos explaining basic astronomy concepts and current astronomical subjects to a lay Danish audience. You can find the videos on our YouTube channel 'Astronomi - Aarhus Universitet'.

The videos are mainly in Danish, and they have been extremely well received. Some of them have been published on the science portal Videnskab.dk.


We aim to keep the videos at a very basic level, with not too much slick technical stuff, that takes a lot of time to produce. Rather we prefer to be able to produce informative videos on a very short time schedule, enabling us to react very efficiently to current news items in the press.

In the IFA Ideas application Mads suggested acquiring better lighting and editing facilities to improve the quailty and ease of production.