Aarhus Universitets segl

Head of SAC recieves prestigious prize

Professor Jørgen Christensen-Dalsgaard on 30 May 2018 recieved the 'Rigmor og Carl Holst-Knudsens Videnskabspris' of Dkr 100 000 at a ceremony in the Aarhus University Aula

Jørgen Christensen-Dalsgaard. Photo: Lars Kruse, AU Photo

The 'Rigmor og Carl Holst-Knudsens Videnskabspris' is awarded yearly by Aarhus University to researchers connected to the university, and with an exceptionally distinguished career.

This year's prize was awardet to professor of economics Annette Vissing Jørgensen and to professor of astronomy and head of SAC Jørgen Christensen-Dalsgaard.

The motivation for the prize was given by the dean of Science and Technology, Niels Christian Nielsen, and local SAC staff was well represented both at the ceremony and at the following reception.

In a short lecture of acceptance, Jørgen told a bit about his work and about SAC, and ended with a description of the SONG network of telescopes, that in due time will assure "that the stars will never set over Aarhus University."

Photos: ojk.