Aarhus Universitets segl

3 Danish classes to work with SONG observations

The results are now in for the first SONG competition aimed at Danish pupils in upper secondary level.

The happy winners from Varde Gymnasium

The winning entries are:

 1. Varde Gymnasium og HF, Astronomi C, "Stellar spectra -what is hidden in the starlight..." Testing classification of 3 stars in Aries, comparing spectra of Mars and the Sun and studying the spectrum of a galaxy. Teacher: Jens Peter Østergaard-Andersen. The class will observe with SONG from Ole Rømer-Observatoriet in Aarhus on 22 November.

 2. Marselisborg Gymnasium 3.as, "The variable starsystem 44 Bootis". Observing the radial velocities in a closely orbiting binary star. Teacher: Thomas Mellergaard Amby. SAC will do the observations and send the data to the class.

 3. Risskov Gymnasium 3g, "Spectroscopy of the binary stars Albireo and Algol" Classifying double stars and possibly measuring radial velocities in Algol. Teacher Jesper Rømer Rasmussen. Already recorded data plus some extra are provided by SAC.

 You can find more on this and the next SONG competition at song.au.dk