Aarhus Universitets segl

SCORe17 Workshop

The SCORejj (Stellar Convection and Oscillations and their Relationship, jj={96, 16, 17, ...}) workshop series on convection are being planned by the Universities of Aarhus and Heidelberg, with the motivation of bringing together expertise from various 1D and 3D convection models/simulations, theory and observations. The workshops shall address various topics in stellar evolution and pulsation theory, such as surface effects, granulation or stochastic excitation.

For SCORe17 the focus will be granulation on solar-like stars and the discussion of various aspects related to this. Potential topics include:

- latest developments on the 8 hour flicker, and gravity determination
- granulation and magnetic activity
- granulation and mode excitation: how tight is the connection?
- description of the granulation seen in a power spectrum (theory and observations)
- does meso-granulation exist?
- supergranulation
- how do we best go from a 3D simulation box to a full stellar surface?
- patched models (supplementary topic as a follow-up from last year)

The schedule will include 3 to 4, 30 min talks per day, giving us maximal time for actual work and to engage in discussions.

This year, the workshop will take place in Heidelberg, more specifically in some of the rooms of the Marsilius-Kolleg (http://www.marsilius-kolleg.uni-heidelberg.de/lageplan-anreise-en.html), which is located on the central, modern campus of the University of Heidelberg. The workshop will take place between October 16 and October 20 2017.

Participation is by invitation only (with an exception for SFB members) and is limited to around 25 people in order to provide ideal conditions for an efficient working environment.

The SCORe17 SOC:

Hans-Günter Ludwig (University of Heidelberg)

Günter Houdek (Aarhus University)

Mia Sloth Lundkvist (University of Heidelberg and Aarhus University)

The workshop is funded by the Independent Research Fund Denmark's Sapere Aude programme and the SFB 881 "The Milky Way System" project.