Aarhus Universitets segl


Aarhus University, Inst. of Physics and Astronomy, 1525-626


9:00 Welcome by Kenni Dinesen Petersen and Christoffer Karoff

9:15 The Exoplanet Zoo by Hans Kjeldsen

10:00 Modeling the Earth by Charles Lesher

10:45 Coffee

11:10 Exoplanet characterization by Simon Albrecht

11:30 Exoplanet orbits by Vincent van Eylen

11:50 Plate tectonics by Torsten Nagel

12:10 Lunch

13:10 Planetary dynamos by Christoffer Karoff

13:30 Thermo-mechanical modeling of lithosphere and mantle dynamics by Kenni Dinesen Petersen

13:50 Odd planets by Brandon West Tingley

14:10 Coffee

14:40 Discussions

17:00 Round up and a beer