  1. Chapters 'Basics', 'Document Structure', and 'Importing Graphics' in the LaTeX wikibook.
  2. Browse through the sections 'Mathematics', 'Advanced mathematics', 'Floats, Figures and Captions', 'Labels and Cross-referencing', and 'Bibliography Management/Embedded system' in the LaTeX wikibook.
  3. Learn how to do the following things in LaTeX: math; displayed equation; floating figures and tables; cross-references; the bibliography.
  1. Questions 12.
  2. Install LaTeX on your system:
    1. Debian based systems: install Tex Live distribution with the command
      sudo apt-get install texlive texlive-latex-extra
    2. MacOS with HomeBrew: install MacTeX distribution. It seems that you first need to install homebrew cask and then
      brew cask install mactex
      brew cask install basictex # allegedly a small but functional version of MacTeX
  3. Exercise "latex".