Questions 9

  1. In the "article" LaTeX document class, how do you specify the title; author name; abstract?
  2. In the "article" LaTeX document class, how do you format your text in two columns?
  3. How do you start a new paragraph; subsection; section?
  4. How do you write inline math in LaTeX?
  5. What is the environment for displayed equations in LaTeX?
  6. How can you refer to the equation number?
  7. What is the environment for floating figures in LaTeX?
  8. How can you add a caption to your figure?
  9. How can you refer to the figure number?
  10. What is the environment for floating tables in LaTeX?
  11. What is the difference between table and tabular environments?
  12. Do you need any extra package to include figures in PDF format; LaTeX format?