(30./Nov.) The deadline for sumbission of contributions is extended until 15th December :)
(19./Aug.) The instruction for submitting the proceedings are now online at the "proceedings" link above.
(14./Aug.) Presentations are now being collected online (see the link above). If your presentation is not there please send it to me and I will put it there.
(14./Aug.) The conference photo (click for high resolution) is now online.
(10/Aug.) Jan Arlt has created a FaceBook group for EFB23. Here is the link: https://www.facebook.com/groups/277057162672958/.
(5/Aug.) The doors at Mathematics and Physics are open for entrance and exit from 8:00 til 17:00. Outside this time interval the doors are open for exit only. So be careful not to lock yourself outside after 17:00.
(4/Aug.) The excursion and the conference dinner will take place at The Old Town:
We shall meet around 17:05 at Torvet in front of Møntmestergården (see the walking route above) and have a drink (or two). We shall then explore The Old Town individually (many buildings should be open for visitors) until 19:00 at which time the conference dinner will be served at Bendtsens Pakhus (the building at the east corner of Torvet).
(4/Aug.) There are projectors with VGA and HDMI connectors in the conference auditoria. And at the lecturer's desks there will be computers capable of displaying PDF files.
(3/Aug.) There will be two laboratory tours (1: storage rings; 2: cold atoms) --- about an hour long --- Tuesday evening after the last session. You will have to sign up for one of the tours at the information desk (in front of Auditorium F) in good time.
(1/Aug.) The EFB23 booklet is now online.
(27/Jul.) The time allocated for a presentation includes both the time for the talk itself and the time for the subsequent questions from the audience. So plan accordingly.
(27/Jul.) A couple of small changes in the program and the book of abstracts (you might need to hit "reload" button to refresh your cache).
(21/Jul.) The book of abstracts is now online.
(21/Jul.) The (tentative) program is now online. We do hope that we have accommodated all scheduling requestst from the participants. Notwithstanding, please check the progam and send us an email if you find an error.
The interactive walking routes from the hotels to the conference site (Auditoruim F) are available in the Venue section.
The conference will end on Friday around 18:00.
The plenary session talks will be about 35min long, the parallel session talks -- about 20min long.
There will be registration and welcome reception at Scandic Aarhus City (interactive map, screenshot) on 7/August at 17:00-19:00.
There will also be registration Monday morning before the first session.
The Few-Body Systems editorial board meeting is scheduled on Tuesday, 9/8, after the evening session.
The European Few Body Committee lunch meeting is scheduled on Wednesday, 10/8.
The presentation of Few Body Award is scheduled on Wednesday, 10/8.
The announcement of the Faddeev medal is scheduled on Thursday, 11/8.
(20/5) Replies to all abstract submissions have been sent out. If you haven't recieved a reply to your abstract submission please email us asap.
The deadline for submission of the proceedings is 29th November 15th December 2016.
The proceedings of the conference will be published in Few-Body Systems as a special issue. Please find instructions for authors at Few-Body Systems homepage (http://link.springer.com/journal/601).
The page limit for invited talks is 8 pages, for regular talks and posters -- 4 pages.
Please submit your contribution on-line at the web page of Few-Body Systems, http://www.springer.com/journal/601, with the article type "Topical Collection: EFB23" and guest editor "D.Fedorov".
The 23rd European Conference on Few Body Problems in Physics follows the series of European Few-Body Conferences: Kraków (2013), Salamanca (2010), Pisa (2007), Groningen (2004), Bled (2002), Evora (2000), Grenoble (1998)...
Like the previous conferences, this conference will give a possibility to present and discuss recent developments in the field of few-body systems — that is, systems which can be understood in terms of a few effective degrees of freedom — in areas including but not limited to particle, nuclear, atomic, molecular, and condensed-matter physics, as well as astrophysics, astronomy, mathematics, and chemistry.
During the Conference the Few-Body System Award For Young Scientists will be granted for distinguished scientific achievements. The award is sponsored by the Few-Body Systems, published by Springer-Verlag.
The proceedings of the conference will be published in Few-Body Systems as a special issue.
The conference will take place at Aarhus University, Department of Mathematics, building 1534, Auditorium F (N56.1669, E10.1999): AU's interactive Google map; plan of the building.
Geographical hints:
Getting to Aarhus and Aarhus University: AU guide.
Getting around in Aarhus: AU guide.
A walking route (1.7km, 20min) from Scandic Aarhus City to Auditorium F: interactive map, schreenshot.
A walking route (1.7km, 20min) from Cabinn Aarhus to Auditorium F: interactive map, schreenshot.
A walking route (2.1km, 25min) from The Mayor Hotel to Auditorium F: interactive map, schreenshot.
There is eduroam roaming service at Aarhus University. You should connect to eduroam with the username and password from your home institution. Contact your home institution for information about their affiliation with eduroam.
Alternatively you can connect to AU-Guest network, where, after opening a browser, you need to agree to terms-and-conditions and then log-in via your account at Google, Facebook, LinkedIn, or Microsoft. If you do not have an account at one of these four services, please get yourself one.
Poster session will be held in Vandrehallen, building 1530, first floor.
The poster should be no larger than A0 size (84x119 cm) and should be in portrait format.
The posters can be set up Monday afternoon and must be taken down by Thursday afternoon.
The places on the poster-boards shall be self-allocated by the participants on a first-come-first-served basis.
The registration for the conference is outsourced to KongresKompagniet A/S. All correspondence concerning registration and accommodation (payment charges, cancellation, etc.) should be directed to them. The online registration form can be found at this address.
The following table lists the conference fees (in euro, approximately):
Before 31/05 | After 31/05 | |
Regular participant | €375 | €425 |
Student | €200 | €225 |
Accompanying person | €135 | €135 |
The conference fee for participants includes:
The conference fee for accompanying persons includes:
The deadline for registration is 30/6.
The deadline for abstract submission is May 16.
The abstract must be prepared as a plain text file with your surname as the name of the file and the word "tex" as the extention. For example,
The file must contain the following items,
items must be marked with the following macros,
\EFBspeaker{surname initials}{affiliation}
\EFBcoauthor{surname initials}
\EFBcoauthor{surname initials}
\EFBcoauthor{surname initials}
The length of the abstract body should be equivalent to no more than about 2000 characters.
An example can be found here.
The file must be sent as an email attachement to efb23aarhus@gmail.com with the following subject:
abstract surname oral/poster theory/experiment scientific_field
for example,
abstract smith oral theory nuclei
If you are an invited speaker please add the word "invited" at the end of the subject, for example,
abstract smith oral theory nuclei invited
Contact email: efb23aarhus@gmail.com
The conference is supported by The Carlsberg Foundation.