Quantum Field Theory. Note « 3 »

Lie algebra of the rotation group
For the parametrization {n,θ}, where n is the rotation axis and θ is the rotation angle, the matrix R of the small rotation dθ is
R(n,dω) = 1 + i Indθ .
The corresponding Lie algebra for the three generators I is the same as for the quantum mechanical angular momentum operators
[Ii, Ij] = i εijk Ik.
Lie algebra of the Lorentz group
The small transformation with rotation dθndθ and velocity boost dv is represented via generators J and K
Λ(dθ,dv) = 1 + iJdθ + iKdv
with the Lie algebra
[Ji, Jj] = i εijk Jk , [Ji, Kj] = i εijk Kk , [Ki, Kj] = -i εijk Kk.
For the parametrization dη = dθ + idv the small transformation is
Λ(dη) = 1 + iAdη + iBdη*
A = 1/2 (J - iK) , B = 1/2 (J + iK)
with the Lie algebra
[Ai, Aj] = i εijk Ak , [Bi, Bj] = i εijk Bk , [Ai, Bj] = 0 .
Reconstruction of the group element R(n,θ) in terms of generators I
Since θ is an additive parameter we can write
R(n,θ+dθ) = R(n,dθ)R(n,+dθ) = R(n,dθ)(1 + iIndθ) .
That is the matrix R satisfies the differential equation
dR/ = iR In
with the boundary condition R(n,θ=0)=1. Apparently the solution is the Taylor series
R(n,dθ) = exp(iInθ) ≡ 1 + iInθ + 1/2! (iInθ)2 + ...
Irreducible representations of the rotation group
Schur's lemma. Kazimir operator of the rotation group.
  1. Suppose that for a certain parametrezation αi the generators of a certain group G are Ii , wich form a Lie algebra with structure constants Cijk . We introduce now a new set of parameters βi which are nonlinear functions of the old parameters β=β(α). Find the new generators and new structure constants.
  2. From the commutation relations [Ii,Ij]=iεijkIk find the 2x2 representation of the rotation generators I. Assume that I3 is diagonal.
  3. Find the rotation matrix R(n,θ) of the 2x2 representation of the rotation group.

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