Quantum Field Theory. Note « 2 »

Group of Lorentz transformations
From the principle of relativity follows that the matrices which perform the transformation of coordinates between inertial frames constitute a group. The group postulates (and the finite speed of light) lead to the following form of the coordinate transformation under velosity boost
( ) = 1/√(1-v²/c²) [ 1 -v  -v/c2 1 ] ( tz)
These matrices conserve the interval
c2t2-z2 = c'2t'2-z'2
Lie groups and Lie algebras
Lie group
A continuous group G whose elements g are differentiable functions of a set of continuous parameters α: g=g1,...,αn). We assume g(α=0)=1.
An element close to 1 can be expessed in terms of the generators Ik
g(dα) = 1 + i Ij dαj
Lie algebras
The commutators of the generators constitute an algebra
Ij Im - Im Ij = i Ckjm Ik,
where Ckjm is the so called structure constant.
  1. Identify all groups of different numbers under operations of addition and multiplication.
  2. A group parameter φ is called additive if the the additivity law is satisfied
    g(φ12) = g(φ1)g(φ2).
    Find the additive parameter for the one-parameter Lorenz group (velocity boosts along the z-axis). Find the generator for this group.
  3. (Mulders, Exercise 3.1) Show that if U=exp(-iJkαk) is a unitary operator with real αk, the operators Jk are hermitian. Show that if det(U)=1 then the trace of the operators Jk is zero.

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