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Introduction to General Relativity. Fall 2023.

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  1. [pdf] Introduction. Special relativity. Relativistic kinematics. (15/01/24)
    Keywords: Inertial frame of reference; Lorentz transformation; Spacetime; Space-time interval; Metric; Four-vectors; Special principle of relativity; Least action principle and Lagrangian; Canonical momentum and energy; Relativistic action of a massive body; Relativistic momentum and energy of a massive body.
    Recommended exercises: Coordinate transformations between inertial frames form a Lie group; Galilean transformations as a Lie group, galilean law of velocity addition; Lorentz transformations as a Lie group, relativistic law of velocity addition; Relativistic action of a massive body, relativistic momentum and energy;

  2. [pdf] Equivalence principle. (15/01/24)
    Inertial forces; Equivalence of inertial and gravitational masses; Equivalence principle; Gravitation as geometry of spacetime; Curved spacetime; General principle of relativity;
    Recommended exercises: Pendulum with mg≠m; Potential formulation of Newtonian gravitation; Gravitation as geometry of space; Newtonean limit of Nordström's theory; Equivalence principle implies bending of light and gravitational redshift.

  3. [pdf] Vectors in curvillinear coordinates. Covariant differentials of tensors in metric spaces. (15/01/24)
    Covariant transformaion of physical quantities under a (general) coordinate transformation; Principle of covariance; Covariant objects: scalars, vectors, tensors; Covariant differentials of tensors; Christoffel symbols in metric spaces;
    Recommended exercises: All except for transformation formula for Christoffel symbols ;)
  4. [pdf] Motion of free bodies in curved spaces. Geodesics. (15/01/24)
    General covariance; Geodesics; Null geodesics; Gravitational potential.
    Recommended exercises: All but "geodesics on a sphere".
  5. [pdf] Electrodynamics in curved spaces. (15/01/24)
    Principle of stationary action; Action of charges in electromagentic fields; Covariant volume element; Action of the electromagentic field; Lorentz force equation in gravitational fields; Maxwell equations in gravitational fields.

  6. [pdf] The source of gravity: the stress-energy-momentum tensor of matter. (15/01/24)
    Action of matter in general relativity; Stress-energy-momentum tensor of matter as the source of gravitation; Stress-energy-momentum conservation law;

  7. [pdf] Action of gravitation. Gravitational field equation (Einstein equation). (15/01/24)
    Riemann tensor; Ricci tensor; Ricci scalar; Einstein equation; Hilbert-Einstein action;

  8. [pdf] Newtonian limit of general relativity. Gravitational waves. (15/01/24)
    Newtonian limit; Linearized gravity; Gravitational waves in vacuum.

  9. [pdf] Schwarzschild solution. Motion in the Schwarzschild metric. (15/01/24)
    Schwarzschild coordinates; Schwarzschild solution; Schwarzschild radius.

  10. [pdf] Classical tests of GTR (15/01/24)
    Anomalous perihelion shift; Bending of light; Gravitational red-shift.

  11. [pdf] Radial fall in the Schwarzschild metric. (15/01/24)
    Lemaitre coordinates for Schwarzschild solution; Coordinate singularity; Gravitational singularity; Event horizons; Black holes.

  12. [pdf] Geometry in a homogeneous and isotropic universe. Friedmann equation. (15/01/24)
    Friedmann universe; Friedmann-(Lemaitre-Robertson-Walker) metric; Friedmann equations.

  13. [pdf] Solutions to Friedmann equation. Big Bang. Cosmological red-shift. Hubble-Lemaitre constant. (15/01/24)
    Big Bang; Cosmological red-shift; Hubble (-Lemaitre) law; Cosmological constant; Radiation-, matter-, and dark-energy-dominated universes.

  14. [pdf] Proper time and length intervals in general relativity. (15/01/24)


  1. Gerard 't Hooft, Introduction to General Relativity [500kB PDF file], Rinton Press, Inc., Princeton NJ, ISBN 1-58949-000-2.