Aarhus Universitets segl

InterCat at Forskningens Døgn

Last week InterCat helped spread the joys of science at the national Day of Research

Forskningens døgn oversigtsbillede

In between language, turbines and short seminars there was Time, Dust and Stars – the InterCat booth at Forskningens døgn

Stakladen was buzzing with the energy of happy visitors, learning about science at the annual Forskningens Døgn at Aarhus University.


Our booth, shared with Stellar Astrophysics Centre and DISCO, drew interest from people of all ages, who wanted to learn about time, dust and stars, and what it is like to work in this field as theoreticians and in the lab.

Naturally, we jump at the opportunity to answer questions about what we love and spend to so much of our time and energy working on.

Junior researchers Laura Slumstrup, Steffen Holleufer, Lars Borchert, Alfred Hopkinson, Niels Mikkelsen and Frederik Doktor Simonsen enjoyed talking to the many visitors of our booth. Laura and Niels also headed out to give speed talks in the lecture theatres, providing short talks on the chemical processes in outer space and the hunt for the beginning of life – in space.