Aarhus University Seal

Bemærk frist 30/10: VELUX Visiting Professor Programme 2011-2012

The foundation VILLUM FONDEN invites applications for support to visiting (foreign) professorships 2011-2012. The duration of the visit is expected to be between 2-6 months and the guest professor is to participate actively in research, teaching, and guidance of students.

Applications must go through the Department of Physics and Astronomy. Please write a short proposal including facts about the visiting professor's publications and citation statistics. Please send your proposal to Marianne Sodemann (mars@phys.au.dk) no later than October 30, 2010. Jes Madsen will afterwards direct the proposals to the Head of Faculty, who is responsible for the Visiting Professor Programme at the Faculty of Science. 

From the call: "Bevillingen kan anvendes til løn/honorar, rejse- og opholdsudgifter, mens der ikke kan afholdes udgifter til apparatur og driftsmidler til forskningsprojekter, publiceringsudgifter, overhead, afgifter eller administrationsudgifter".

Contact Marianne Sodemann for further information.