← practical programming

Exercise "Wiki"


  1. Make sure you have all prerequisites:
    1. Find a photo of your face (from your Facebook, for example) about 200x200 pixels in the GIF, JPEG, or PNG format.
    2. Figure out the type of your POSIX system (Ubuntu, Termux, WSL, MacOS, Ubuntu in virtual box, ...).
    3. Figure out the browsable link to your repository; check that it works.
    4. Figure out the command to publicly clone your repository; check that is works without any passwords or whatever.
  2. Go to our dokuwiki page[].
  3. Click on "Media Manager" at the upper-right corner of the start page and upload your image to the "wiki" directory.
  4. Click on the "Edit this page" item in the pop-up menu at the right side of the start page and add a row to our table with your picture, name, system, link to your repository, and command to clone your repository. Simply copy/paste my row and change the entries accordingly.
  5. Click on the "Save" button at the bottom of the edit page.