← ppnm

Exercise "Hello, World!"


  1. Install mono with the command

    sudo apt install mono-mcs
    MacOS users might need to install mono from the mono-poject [mono-project.com].
  2. Create a directory for the exercise inside your repository, let's say "~/repos/ppnm/exercises/hello",

    mkdir -p ~/repos/ppnm/exercises/hello
  3. Go to your directory (remember to use the completion feature of your shell !):

    cd ~/repos/ppnm/exercises/hello
  4. Create a Makefile with the following content (mind the tabulators!) (and you can omit the comments):
    Out.txt : hello.exe              # Out.txt depends on hello.exe
    	mono hello.exe > Out.txt # run hello.exe, send output to Out.txt
    hello.exe : hello.cs             # hello.exe depends on hello.cs
    	mcs hello.cs             # compile hello.cs into hello.exe
    clean:                           # a phoney target, no dependencies
    	rm -f Out.txt hello.exe  # remove secondary files
  5. Create a file hello.cs with the following content
    class hello{
       static void Main(){
  6. Run make and debug.

Extra hints