SDKDIR=$(HOME)/.dotnet/sdk/6.0.102# or whatever your sdk is CSCPATH=$(SDKDIR)/Roslyn/bincore/csc.dll NETSTANDARD=$(SDKDIR)/ref/netstandard.dll CONFIG=$(SDKDIR)/vstest.console.runtimeconfig.json DOTNET=DOTNET_CLI_TELEMETRY_OPTOUT=1; dotnet CSC=$(DOTNET) $(CSCPATH) -reference:$(NETSTANDARD) RUN=$(DOTNET) exec --runtimeconfig $(CONFIG) CSC = mcs RUN = mono DATA-ERF = PLOT-ERF = Plot.erf.svg all: $(PLOT-ERF) Out.txt Out.txt: main.exe mono $< > $@ $(DATA-ERF): main-erf.exe $(RUN) $< 1> $@ 2> log-erf main.exe: main.cs matlib.dll $(CSC) -out:$@ -reference:matlib.dll $(filter %.cs,$^) main-erf.exe: main-erf.cs matlib.dll $(CSC) -out:$@ -reference:matlib.dll $(filter %.cs,$^) matlib.dll: integrate.cs adapt3.cs ../../matlib/integrate/integrate.cs $(CSC) -target:library -out:$@ $^ clean: rm -f *.dll *.png *.exe out* *.svg [Ll]og* $(PLOT-ERF): $(DATA-ERF) Makefile echo '\ set term svg;\ set out "$@";\ set key out;\ set tics out;\ set grid;\ set xlabel "x";\ set title "erf(x) as definite integral";\ plot [][-1.1:1.1]\ "$<" index 0 using 1:2 with line title "erf(x)" \ ,"$<" index 1 using 1:2 with points pt 5 title "table" \ '|gnuplot