CSC = mcs RUN = mono all:Psi.svg E0.rmax.svg E1.rmax.svg E0.dr.svg E0.rmax.svg:out.E0.rmax.txt Makefile echo '\ set term svg;\ set out "$@";\ set title "Hydrogen, matrix, E_0 convergence with r_{max}";\ set xlabel "r_{max}, Bohr radius";\ set ylabel "E_{0}, Hartree";\ plot [][-0.6:]\ "$<" using 1:3 with linespoints pointtype 5 title "calculated"\ ,-0.5 with lines title "exact"\ '|gnuplot E1.rmax.svg:out.E1.rmax.txt Makefile echo '\ set term svg;\ set out "$@";\ set title "Hydrogen, matrix, E_1 convergence with r_{max}";\ set xlabel "r_{max}, Bohr radius";\ set ylabel "E_{1}, Hartree";\ plot []\ "$<" using 1:4 with linespoints pointtype 5 title "calculated"\ ,-0.125 with lines title "exact"\ '|gnuplot E0.dr.svg:out.E0.dr.txt Makefile echo '\ set term svg;\ set out "$@";\ set title "Hydrogen, matrix, E_0 convergence with dr";\ set xlabel "dr, Bohr radius";\ set ylabel "E_{0}, Hartree";\ set key left;\ plot []\ "$<" using 2:3 with linespoints pointtype 5 title "calculated"\ ,-0.5 with lines title "exact (-0.5 Hartree)"\ '|gnuplot out.E0.dr.txt:main.exe >$@ for dr in 0.02 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3; do \ echo $$dr; mono main.exe -rmax:6 -dr:$$dr 1>/dev/null 2>>$@ \ ; done out.E1.rmax.txt:main.exe >$@ for R in 7 8 9 10 11 12 13; do \ echo $$R; mono main.exe -rmax:$$R -dr:0.1 1>/dev/null 2>>$@ \ ; done out.E0.rmax.txt:main.exe >$@ for R in 2 3 4 5 6; do \ mono main.exe -rmax:$$R -dr:0.1 1>/dev/null 2>>$@ \ ; done Makefile echo '\ set term svg;\ set out "$@";\ set xlabel "r, Bohr radius";\ set ylabel "f(r), arb. u.";\ set title "Hydrogen atom ground state radial wave-function";\ plot\ "$<" index 1 using 1:2 with points pointtype 7 pointsize 0.5 title "calculated"\ ,"$<" index 1 using 1:3 with lines title "exact"\ '| gnuplot $(RUN) $< > $@ main.exe:main.cs matlib.dll $(CSC) -reference:matlib.dll $< matlib.dll: \ ../../matlib/matrix/vector.cs \ ../../matlib/matrix/matrix.cs \ ../../matlib/jacobi-eigenvalue/EVD.cs \ ../../matlib/jacobi-eigenvalue/jacobi.cs $(CSC) -target:library -out:./$@ $^ clean: $(RM) *.dll *.exe *.svg out* #%.exe: %.cs # $(CSC) -t:exe $(addprefix -r:,$(filter %.dll,$^)) $(filter %.cs,$^) # #%.dll: %.cs # $(CSC) -t:library -out:./%.dll $(addprefix -r:,$(filter %.dll,$^)) $(filter %.cs,$^)