SDKDIR=$(HOME)/.dotnet/sdk/6.0.102# or whatever your sdk is CSCPATH=$(SDKDIR)/Roslyn/bincore/csc.dll NETSTANDARD=$(SDKDIR)/ref/netstandard.dll CONFIG=$(SDKDIR)/vstest.console.runtimeconfig.json DOTNET=DOTNET_CLI_TELEMETRY_OPTOUT=1; dotnet CSC=$(DOTNET) $(CSCPATH) -reference:$(NETSTANDARD) RUN=$(DOTNET) exec --runtimeconfig $(CONFIG) CSC = mcs RUN = mono Fig.pdf: Makefile echo '\ set term pdf;\ set out "$@";\ set key left;\ set xlabel "$$x$$";\ set ylabel "$$y$$";\ set title "Least-squares fit";\ plot \ "$<" index 0 with errorbars title "data"\ ,"$<" index 1 with lines title "$$F_{\\vec c}(x)\\doteq c_0+c_1x+c_2x^2$$"\ ,"$<" index 2 with lines title "$$F_{\\vec{c}+\\Delta\\vec{c}}(x)$$"\ ,"$<" index 3 with lines title "$$F_{\\vec{c}-\\Delta\\vec{c}}(x)$$"\ '| tee log.gpi | pyxplot $(RUN) $< > $@ 2>log main.exe: main.cs matlib.dll $(CSC) $< $(addprefix -reference:,$(filter %.dll,$^)) matlib.dll: \ ../matrix/matrix.cs\ ../matrix/vector.cs\ ../QR/givensqr.cs\ ../QR/gsqr.cs\ ./lsfit.cs $(CSC) $^ -target:library -out:$@ clean: $(RM) Out* *.dll *.exe log* out* *.pdf