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Exercise "LaTeX"

First, install LaTeX on your system: Now, the exercises:
  1. (Mandatory) Consider the following "quick-and-dirty" implementation of the exponential function (which only uses multiplications and divisions),
    static double ex(double x){
    if(x<0)return 1/ex(-x);
    if(x>1.0/8)return Pow(ex(x/2),2); // explain this
    return 1+x*(1+x/2*(1+x/3*(1+x/4*(1+x/5*(1+x/6*(1+x/7*(1+x/8*(1+x/9*(1+x/10)))))))));
    Make a one-/two- page report, in LaTeX, about this implementation along the following lines: i) introduce the exponential function; ii) explain why this implementation might actually work; iii) test whether it works in practice. There should be plots in your report.
  2. (Optional)

    1. Is there any numerical advantage in using this convoluted expression for the Taylor series,
      instead of the ordinary
    2. Is there any numerical advantage in inverting the sign of the argument for negative arguments?

  3. (Optional) Make a complex version of this implementation,

    static complex cex(complex z){
    and check whether it works or not.