routine from integrate.cs
calculate numerically the intergral (exact value is -4),
∫01 dx (ln(x)/√x)You can either copy/paste the content of the link into the file "integrate.cs", or wget the file,
Your main.cs
might look like
Func<double,double> f = delegate(double x){return Log(x)/Sqrt(x);}; double result = integrate.quad(f,0,1);or, equivalently, using a lambda-expression
Func<double,double> f = x => Log(x)/Sqrt(x); double result = integrate.quad(f,0,1);
Your makefile might look like
out.txt:main.exe mono $< > $@ main.exe: main.cs matlib.dll mcs -target:exe -reference:matlib.dll -out:$@ $< matlib.dll: integrate.cs mcs -target:library -out:$@ $<
Using the integrate.quad
routine from integrate.cs
implement the [error-function]
using its integral representation.
Make a plot.
Something like
public static double erf(double z){ Func<double,double> f = x => Exp(-x*x); return integrate.quad(f,0,z)*2/Sqrt(PI); }
Using the integrate.quad
routine from integrate.cs
implement the Bessel function
(of the first kind) using its
Make plots, compare with your numpy/scipy routines.
(optional) Improve the effectiveness of your error-function
implementation by switching the integration limits from {0,x} to
{x,∞} for, say, x>1. Check the number of integrand calls for
the naive and the (probably) more effective implementation.
Hint: positive infinity in Csharp is double.PositiveInfinity
double infin = double.PositiveInfinity;