all: Error.png Integral.png Error.png: Makefile echo '\ set term png;\ set out "$@";\ set title "Plain montecarlo integration error";\ set xlabel "number of sampling points";\ set ylabel "error";\ a=1; f(n) = a/sqrt(n);\ fit f(x) "$<" using 1:4 via a;\ plot \ "$<" u 1:3 with lines title "statistical estimate of the error"\ ,"$<" u 1:4 with linespoints title "actual error"\ ,f(x) with lines title "1/sqrt(n) fit to actual error"\ '| gnuplot Integral.png: Makefile echo '\ set term png;\ set out "$@";\ set xlabel "number of points";\ set ylabel "value of the integral";\ plot \ "$<" with linespoints title "montecarlo integration"\ ,pi/4 with lines title "exact"\ '| gnuplot main.exe >$@ for N in $$(seq 200 200 10000);\ do echo $$N; mono $< $$N >> $@;\ done main.exe: main.cs matlib.dll mcs -target:exe -reference:matlib.dll $< matlib.dll: ../../matlib/matrix/vector.cs mcs -target:library -out:$@ $<