Higgs.svg: plot.data Makefile gnuplot -e "\ set term $(subst .,,$(suffix $@)) background rgb 'white';\ set title 'Higgs production signal';\ set xlabel 'Energy [GeV]';\ set ylabel 'Signal [arb.u.]';\ plot 'higgs.data' using 1:2:3 with errorbars title 'experiment'\ , '$<' using 1:2 with lines title 'Breit-Wigner fit' ;\ " > $@ plot.data:main.exe mono $< Out.txt 1>$@ main.exe:main.cs qnewton.dll matlib.dll src="$(filter %.cs,$^)"; libs="$(call clist,$(filter %.dll,$^))";\ mcs $$src -t:exe -r:$$libs -out:$@ LIBDIR=../../matlib LIBSRC=\ $(LIBDIR)/matrix/vector.cs\ $(LIBDIR)/matrix/matrix.cs matlib.dll:$(LIBSRC) mcs $^ -target:library -out:$@ qnewton.dll: \ $(LIBDIR)/minim/qnewton.cs \ $(LIBDIR)/minim/simplex.cs \ $(LIBDIR)/optim/swarm.cs \ matlib.dll src="$(filter %.cs,$^)"; libs="$(call clist,$(filter %.dll,$^))";\ mcs $$src -t:library -r:$$libs -out:$@ clean: $(RM) *.exe *.dll [Oo]ut* [Ll]og* *.svg comma:=, empty:= space:=$(empty) $(empty) clist = $(subst $(space),$(comma),$(1))