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Exercise "Minimization"

  1. (6 points) Quasi-Newton method with numerical gradient, back-tracking linesearch, and rank-1 update

    Implement the quasi-Newton minimization method with numerical gradient, back-tracking linesearch, and a rank-1 update.

    The interface to the function could be like this,

    void qnewton(
    	double F(vector* x), /* objective function */
    	vector* x, /* on input: starting point, on exit: approximation to root */
    	double eps /* accuracy goal, on exit |gradient| should be <eps */

    Start with the unity inverse Hessian matrix and then apply the updates. If the update diverges, or minimial step-size is reached, reset the inverse Hessian matrix to unity and continue.

    Find a minimum of the Rosenbrock's valley function, f(x,y)=(1-x)2+100(y-x2)2.

    Find a minimum of the Himmelblau's function, f(x,y)=(x2+y-11)2+(x+y2-7)2.

    Record the number of steps it takes for the algorithm to reach the minimum.

  2. (3 points) Higgs discovery

    In 2012 CERN announced the discovery of a previously unknown boson with mass 125.3±0.6 GeV/c² [Wikipedia].

    In one of the experiments a certain cross-section involving Higgs was measured and the data with subtracted noise (that's why some data are negative) is given as [arxiv:1207.7235]

    # c.m. energy E[GeV], cross-section σ(E)[certain units], error δσ [same units]
    101 -0.25 2.0
    103 -0.30 2.0
    105 -0.15 1.9
    107 -1.71 1.9
    109  0.81 1.9
    111  0.65 1.9
    113 -0.91 1.9
    115  0.91 1.9
    117  0.96 1.6
    119 -2.52 1.6
    121 -1.01 1.6
    123  2.01 1.6
    125  4.83 1.6
    127  4.58 1.6
    129  1.26 1.3
    131  1.01 1.3
    133 -1.26 1.3
    135  0.45 1.3
    137  0.15 1.3
    139 -0.91 1.3
    141 -0.81 1.1
    143 -1.41 1.1
    145  1.36 1.1
    147  0.50 1.1
    149 -0.45 1.1
    151  1.61 1.1
    153 -2.21 1.1
    155 -1.86 0.9
    157  1.76 0.9
    159 -0.50 0.9

    Fit the Breit-Wigner function

    (where A is a scale-factor, m is the mass and Γ is the widths of the sought resonance) to the data and determine the mass and the width of the Higgs boson.

    You fit the data by minimizing the deviation function

  3. (1 point) Implement the downhill simplex method