MCS = mcs -optimize+ -platform:arm MONO = mono --optimize=all Out.svg: out.txt Makefile echo '\ set term svg background rgb "white";\ set out "$@";\ set title "u´´=-u, u(0)=0, u´(0)=1" ;\ set key out;\ set tics out;\ set xlabel "x/π";\ set grid ;\ plot [][]\ "$<" using ($$1/pi):2 with linespoints pt 7 ps 0.5 title "u" \ ,"$<" using ($$1/pi):3 with linespoints pt 5 ps 0.5 title "u´" \ '|gnuplot out.txt:main.exe $(MONO) $< > $@ 2>log main.exe: main.cs matlib.dll $(MCS) $< -reference:$(lastword $^) cmath.dll: ../matrix/complex.cs ../matrix/cmath.cs $(MCS) $^ -target:library -out:$@ matlib.dll: \ ../matrix/matrix.cs \ ../matrix/vector.cs \ ../complex/complex.cs \ ../complex/cmath.cs \ ode.cs $(MCS) $^ -target:library -out:$@ clean: rm -rf [Oo]ut* *.dll *.exe log* *log