all:A.svg B.txt C.svg A.svg: Makefile rm fit.log echo '\ set term svg font "Arial,20";\ set out "$@";\ set title "Rutherford and Soddy experiment";\ set xlabel "Time in Days";\ set ylabel "Per-cent Activity";\ a=100;b=0.2;c=1;\ f(x)=a*exp(-b*x)+c;\ fit f(x) "$<" u 1:2:3 yerrors via a,b,c;\ plot "$<" with errorbars title "experimental data"\ ,"$<" index 1 with lines title "exponential fit"\ ,f(x) with lines title "gnuplot fit"\ ' | gnuplot C.svg: Makefile echo '\ set term svg font "Arial,20";\ set out "$@";\ set title "Rutherford and Soddy experiment";\ set log y;\ set xlabel "Time in Days";\ set ylabel "Per-cent Activity";\ plot "$<" with errorbars title "experimental data"\ ,"$<" index 1 with lines title "best fit"\ ,"$<" index 2 with lines title "c_0+dc_0"\ ,"$<" index 3 with lines title "c_0-dc_0"\ ,"$<" index 4 with lines title "c_1+dc_1"\ ,"$<" index 5 with lines title "c_1-dc_1"\ ' | gnuplot B.txt :main.exe mono $< 1> 2>B.txt main.exe: main.cs lsfit.cs matlib.dll mcs $(filter-out %.dll,$^) -reference:$(lastword $^) SRC := \ $(HOME)/public_html/prog/matlib/matrix/vector.cs\ $(HOME)/public_html/prog/matlib/matrix/matrix.cs\ $(HOME)/public_html/prog/solutions/problems/2-linear-equations/gramschmidt.cs\ $(HOME)/public_html/prog/solutions/problems/2-linear-equations/backsubst.cs\ $(HOME)/public_html/prog/solutions/problems/2-linear-equations/solve.cs\ $(HOME)/public_html/prog/solutions/problems/2-linear-equations/inverse.cs\ matlib.dll: $(SRC) mcs $^ -target:library -out:$@ clean: rm -f *.dll *.exe A* B* C* log* comma:=, empty:= space:=$(empty) $(empty) clist = $(subst $(space),$(comma),$(1))