←to practical programming

Questions intro

  1. Suppose you need to type the command basename. Which characters do you need to type in your system before command-line completion can complete your typing?
  2. In many systems command-line completion can also complete long options to many POSIX utilities. Does your shell completes long options? Suppose you need to type the command mkdir --parents. Which characters do you need to actually type when using command-line completion?
  3. How do you create a folder with a subfolder (say prog/hello)? Hint: man mkdir | grep -B1 "make parent".
  4. Which option instructs the rm command to ask the user for a confirmation before every removal? Hint: man rm|grep "prompt before".
  5. Which option instructs the rm command to remove a folder with all subfolders? Hint: man rm|grep -B1 "remove directories".
  6. Which unix command lists the files in a directory in one column sorted by modification time with the newest last?
  7. What do symbols ., .., ~ mean in the context of the unix file utilities?
  8. Where will the command cd without any arguments lead you?
  9. What is your home directory? Name also alternative notations.