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Exercise "LaTeX"

Learn to produce scientific reports in LaTeX with gnuplot figures.
  1. Make a short (one or two pages) report in LaTeX about a non-simple mathematical function (that is, let us say, a function that cannot be defined using only simple mathematical operations +,-,*,/) that can be defined either as a definite integral of a simple function, or as a solution to a simple differential equation. The function must be illustrated with a suitable plot and must be implemented via i) a call to our adaptive integrators quad.o8a or quad.o8av (if singular or infinite limits); or ii) a call to our ODE-solver ode.rk23. Before calling the integrators the argument has to be reduced to a reasonable value, if possible. You can use (and copy/paste (with reference)) the information from the corresponding Wikipedia article.

    Examples: sin, cos, exp, log, sqrt, Si, Ei, erf, gamma-function, Bessel functions, Fresnel integrals, Euler spiral, ...

  2. Check whether the corresponding article is missing in the Danish Wikipedia (as seems to be the case, for example, with the Fresnel integrals). In this case create the corresponding article with your text and your figure.