  1. C-preprocessor;
  2. Simple printf-debugging (tracing);
  3. Gnuplot;
  4. Distributed version control systems.
  1. Note "printf debugging".
  2. Also:
  1. Go to bitbucket.org and get yourself an account there; create an open source mercurial (or git, if you prefer) project "pprog" (or any other indicative name); push your files there.
  2. GitHub is another popular version control server.
  3. Install Gnuplot on your box:
    • On MacOS with homebrew you can probably use the command
      brew install gnuplot
      For interactive usage include options --with-qt and/or --with-x11.

    • On Debian based systems, like Ubuntu, the command is
      sudo apt-get --yes install gnuplot
  4. Questions 6.
  5. Problems "io-gnuplot". Hints: examples/io-gnuplot.