  1. Structure of a C-program;
  2. C-language: conditional statements if, switch and loops while, for, do-while;
  3. C-language: Scope of variables: file, function, block;
  4. Simple output with printf function.
  1. Note "C-program"[];
  2. Note "scope"[];
  3. Lexical scoping;
  4. Note "printf"[];
  5. C control structures;
  6. C iteration statements (loops);
  7. C selection statements (switch is not so important).
  8. Ternary conditional operator.
  9. Also read:
  1. (Optional) Install additional man-pages with the command

    sudo apt-get install manpages-posix manpages-posix-dev

  2. Answer questions-3.
  3. Do exercise-epsilon. Hint: examples/epsilon.
  4. Hints:
    • In bash prompt and keys scroll over the previously issued commands.
    • In bash prompt !text runs the latest command that begins with text. Useful for issuing the same command again.