Adaptive closed3 integration: integrating sqrt(x) from 0 to 1 : acc = 0.0001 eps = 0.0001 ncalls = 27 integral = 0.6666559338797313 exact = 0.6666666666666666 estimated error : 0.000166666 actual error : 1.07328e-05 Adaptive open4 integration: integrating sqrt(x) from 0 to 1 : acc = 0.0001 eps = 0.0001 ncalls = 28 integral = 0.6667087639630322 exact = 0.6666666666666666 estimated error : 0.000166671 actual error : 4.20973e-05 Adaptive closed3 integration: integrating 4*sqrt(1-(1-x)*(1-x)) from 0 to 1 : acc = 1e-06 eps = 1e-06 ncalls = 345 integral = 3.141592647979502 exact = 3.141592653589793 estimated error : 4.14159e-06 actual error : 5.61029e-09 Adaptive open4 integration: integrating 4*sqrt(1-(1-x)*(1-x)) from 0 to 1 : acc = 1e-06 eps = 1e-06 ncalls = 444 integral = 3.141592664789677 exact = 3.141592653589793 estimated error : 4.14159e-06 actual error : 1.11999e-08 Clenshaw-Curtis integration: integrating 4*sqrt(1-(1-x)*(1-x)) from 0 to 1 : acc = 1e-06 eps = 1e-06 ncalls = 604 integral = 3.1415926247632813 exact = 3.141592653589793 estimated error : 4.14159e-06 actual error : 2.88265e-08 Adaptive open4 integration: integrating log(x)/sqrt(x) from 0 to 1 : acc = 0.001 eps = 0.001 ncalls = 8572 integral = -3.999790084734025 exact = -4 estimated error : 0.00499979 actual error : 0.000209915 Clenshaw_Curtis integration: integrating log(x)/sqrt(x) from 0 to 1 : acc = 0.001 eps = 0.001 ncalls = 72 integral = -3.9997193540597884 exact = -4 estimated error : 0.00499972 actual error : 0.000280646 Adaptive open4 integration: integrating 1/sqrt(x) from 0 to 1 : acc = 0.001 eps = 0.001 ncalls = 4292 integral = 1.999516117504203 exact = 2 estimated error : 0.00299952 actual error : 0.000483882 Clenshaw-Curtis integration: integrating 1/sqrt(x) from 0 to 1 : acc = 0.001 eps = 0.001 ncalls = 12 integral = 1.9999563676667782 exact = 2 estimated error : 0.00299996 actual error : 4.36323e-05 Adaptive open4 integration: integrating exp(x) from -inf to 1 : acc = 0.0001 eps = 0 ncalls = 96 integral = 2.718278963030687 exact = 2.718281828459045 estimated error : 0.0001 actual error : 2.86543e-06