module bar contains subroutine printm(a) real(8)::a(:,:) integer i,j do i=1,size(a,1);print"(10f9.3)",(a(i,j),j=1,size(a,2));end do end subroutine printm end module bar program main use jacobi use bar implicit none real(8),allocatable:: a(:,:),b(:,:),v(:,:) integer n,i,j,sweeps,stat character(len=32)::arg n=3 if(iargc() .gt. 0)then call getarg(1,arg) read(arg,*,iostat=stat)n end if allocate(a(n,n),b(n,n),v(n,n)) call random_number(a) a=a+transpose(a) b(:,:)=a(:,:) sweeps=jacobi_evd(a,v) if( print*,"n=",n,"sweeps=",sweeps return end if print*,"EIGENVALUE DECOMPOSITION" print*,"random symmetric matrix A:";call printm(b) print*,"matrix A after jacobi process: should be diagonal" call printm(a) print*,"check: V^T*A*V: should be the same" call printm(matmul(matmul(transpose(v),b),v)) print*,"check: V^T*V: =1?" call printm(matmul(transpose(v),v)) print*,"check: V*V^T: =1?" call printm(matmul(v,transpose(v))) end program main