CFLAGS = -Wall -std=gnu1x -O2 LDLIBS = -lm all:splines.svg test.svg splines.svg: Makefile echo "\ set term svg size 800,600 font 'Times,18' fsize 18;\ set out '$@';\ set xlabel 'x';\ set ylabel 'y';\ set key right bottom;\ set tics out;\ set title 'Linear/quadratic/cubic splines of random data';\ plot '$<' index 0 with points title 'data'\ ,'$<' index 1 using 1:2 with lines title 'linear spline'\ ,'$<' index 1 using 1:3 with lines title 'quadratic spline'\ ,'$<' index 1 using 1:4 with lines title 'cubic spline'\ ,'$<' index 0 smooth csplines lw 4 dashtype (10,10) title 'gnuplot cubic spline'\ " | tee log.txt | gnuplot sed -i 's/;/;\n/g;s/,/,\n/g' log.txt test.txt:main ./$< 1> 2>test.txt test.svg:test.txt Makefile graph --output-format svg --toggle-use-color <$< >$@ main: main.o linterp.o qspline.o cspline.o main.o qspline.o: qspline.h main.o cspline.o: cspline.h .PHONEY:clean clean: find . -type f -executable -delete $(RM) *.o out* log* test* *.svg *~