open4: integrating sqrt(x) from 0 to 1 acc=0.0001 eps=0.0001 Q = 0.666709 exact = 0.666667 calls = 28 estimated error = 0.000166671 actual error = 4.20973e-05 clenshaw_curtis: integrating sqrt(x) from 0 to 1 acc=0.0001 eps=0.0001 Q = 0.666666 exact = 0.666667 calls = 56 estimated error = 0.000166667 actual error = 5.9542e-07 open4: integrating 1/sqrt(x) from 0 to 1 acc=0.0001 eps=0.0001 Q = 1.99999 exact = 2 calls = 12860 estimated error = 0.000299999 actual error = 8.98634e-06 clenshaw_curtis: integrating 1/sqrt(x) from 0 to 1 acc=0.0001 eps=0.0001 Q = 2 exact = 2 calls = 32 estimated error = 0.0003 actual error = 4.97568e-07 open4: integrating log(x)/sqrt(x) from 0 to 1 acc=0.001 eps=0.001 Q = -3.99979 exact = -4 calls = 8572 estimated error = 0.00499979 actual error = 0.000209915 clenshaw_curtis: integrating log(x)/sqrt(x) from 0 to 1 acc=0.001 eps=0.001 Q = -3.99972 exact = -4 calls = 72 estimated error = 0.00499972 actual error = 0.000280646