Exercise "matrix diagonalization"


Implement the Jacobi eigenvalue algorithm.



  1. (6 points) Jacobi diagonalization with cyclic sweeps

    Implement the Jacobi eigenvalue algorithm for real symmetric matrices using the cyclic sweeps: eliminate the off-diagonal elements in a predefined sequence which spans all off-diagonal elements, for example row after row, and repeat the sweeps until converged. The convergence criterion could be that the eigenvalues did not change after a whole sweep.

    Prove that your implementation works as intended: generate a random symmetric matrix A, apply your routine to perform the eigenvaluedecomposition, A=VDVT (where V is the orthogonal matrix of eigenvectors and D is the diagonal matrix with the corresponding eigenvalues), and check that VTAV==D.

    Check that the number of operations for matrix diagonalization scales as O(n³) (by measuring the time it takes to diagonalize a random matrix of size n).


  2. (3 points) Jacobi diagonalization eigenvalue-by-eigenvalue

    1. Implement a variant of Jacobi diagonalization algorithm which calculates the given number of lowest eigenvalues:
      1. Eliminate the off-diagonal elements in the first row only (by running the sweeps not over the whole matrix, but only over the first row until the off-diagonal elements of the first row are all zeroed). Argue, that the corresponding diagonal element is the lowest eigenvalue.

      2. If needed, eliminate the off-diagonal elements in the second row. Argue, that the eliminated elements in the first row will not be affected and can therefore be omitted from the elimination loop. Argue that the corresponding diagonal element is the second lowest eigenvalue.

      3. If needed, continue elimination of the subsequent rows (omitting the operations with the already eliminated rows!) until the given number of the lowest eigenvalues is calculated.

    2. Find out how to change the formulas for the rotation angle to obtain the largest eigenvalues instead of the lowest.
    3. Compare the number of rotations (and/or time) it takes to diagonalize a matrix with the cyclic method with the number of rotations (and/or time) it takes to calculate only the lowest eigenvalue of the same matrix with the value-by-value method.
    4. Compare the effectiveness of the cyclic and the value-by-value implementations by comparing the number of rotations (and/or time) needed to fully diagonalize a matrix
  3. (1 point) Classic Jacobi eigenvalue algorithm

    In the classic Jacobi eigenvalue algorithm one searches for the largest off-diagonal element and eliminates it. Unfortunately, the search for the largest element is O(n²) process which is not effective if implemented directly. Instead, in the beginning one creates an array with indices of the largest elements in each row and then, after each rotation, only updates the indices of the affected rows.

    A possible algorithm might look like this,

    create array of indices of largest elements in rows;
    do :
       for each row :
          eliminate the largest element of the row by Jacobi transformation;
          update the array of indices for the affected rows;
    until converged.

    Find out whether this gives any improvements in i) the number of rotations, ii) the run-time.