CFLAGS = -Wall -std=gnu99 $$(gsl-config --cflags) LDLIBS = $$(gsl-config --libs) blah-blah:out.txt plot.svg plot2.svg cat $< Makefile gnuplot -e "\ set terminal svg background 'white'; \ set key out; \ plot '$<' using 1:4 with lines title 'mysin' \ ,'$<' using 1:5 with lines linewidth 4 dashtype (15,25) title 'math.h sin' \ " > $@ Makefile gnuplot -e "\ set terminal svg background 'white'; \ set log y; \ plot '$<' using 1:2 with lines title 'myexp' \ ,'$<' using 1:3 with lines dashtype (10,20) title 'math.h exp' \ " > $@ out.txt input.matrix cat input.matrix | ./main 1> out.txt 2> main:main.o myexp.o mysin.o test: echo $(PATH) clean: $(RM) main out.txt INDENT_FLAGS = --linux-style indent: for f in *.c; do indent $(INDENT_FLAGS) $$f; done rm -f *~