\ set term png; \ set out "plots.png"; \ set multiplot; \ set title "Hydrogen s-wave shooting to $F_\epsilon(r_\mathrm{max})=0$"; \ set tics out; \ set xtics 2; \ set mxtics 1; \ set width 5; \ set xlabel "$r$ [$a_\mathrm{Bohr}$]"; \ set ylabel "$F_\epsilon(r)$"; \ plot \ "data" index 1 with lines title "$r_\mathrm{max}$=2" \ ,"data" index 3 with lines title "$r_\mathrm{max}$=3" \ ,"data" index 5 with lines title "$r_\mathrm{max}$=4" \ ,"data" index 9 with lines title "$r_\mathrm{max}$=10" \ ,"data" index 9 using 1:3 with lines linetype 2 title "exact"; \ set origin 0,-5-1; \ set mytics 0.05; \ set title "Obtained energy as function of $r_\mathrm{max}$"; \ set xlabel "$r_\mathrm{max}$ [$a_\mathrm{Bohr}$]"; \ set ylabel "$\epsilon$ [Hatree]"; \ plot [2-1:10+1][-0.6:0]\ "data" index 0 with points pointtype 1 color red notitle \ ,"data" index 2 with points pointtype 1 color red notitle \ ,"data" index 4 with points pointtype 1 color red notitle \ ,"data" index 6 with points pointtype 1 color red notitle \ ,"data" index 8 with points pointtype 1 color red notitle \ ,-0.5 with lines linetype 2 title "exact"\