Problems "nvector"

Consider an implementation of n-dimensional vectors using the structure

typedef struct {int size; double* data;} nvector;
  1. Implement a set of functions to deal with these vectors. The declarations must be kept in the header file nvector.h,

    #ifndef HAVE_NVECTOR_H /* for multiple includes */
    typedef struct {int size; double* data;} nvector;
    nvector* nvector_alloc       (int n);     /* allocates memory for size-n vector */
    void     nvector_free        (nvector* v);                      /* frees memory */
    void     nvector_set         (nvector* v, int i, double value); /* v_i ← value */;
    double   nvector_get         (nvector* v, int i);              /* returns v_i */
    double   nvector_dot_product (nvector* u, nvector* v);   /* returns dot-product */
    /* optional */
    void nvector_print    (char* s, nvector* v);    /* prints s and then vector */
    void nvector_set_zero (nvector* v);             /* all elements ← 0 */
    int  nvector_equal    (nvector* a, nvector* b); /* 1, if equal, 0 otherwise */
    void nvector_add      (nvector* a, nvector* b); /* a_i ← a_i + b_i */
    void nvector_sub      (nvector* a, nvector* b); /* a_i ← a_i - b_i */
    void nvector_scale    (nvector* a, double x);   /* a_i ← x*a_i     */
    /* */
    #define HAVE_NVECTOR_H

    The implementations of the functions must be in the file nvector.c. You should #include"nvector.h" in nvector.c to allow the compiler to check the declarations. Like this,

    nvector* nvector_alloc(int n){
      nvector* v = malloc(sizeof(nvector));
      (*v).size = n;
      (*v).data = malloc(n*sizeof(double));
      if( v==NULL ) fprintf(stderr,"error in nvector_alloc\n");
      return v;
    void nvector_free(nvector* v){ free(v->data); free(v);}
    void nvector_set(nvector* v, int i, double value){ (*v).data[i]=value; }
    double nvector_get(nvector* v, int i){return (*v).data[i]; }
    /* ... */
  2. Implement a main function that tests your functions, for example,
    #include "nvector.h"
    #include "stdio.h"
    #include "stdlib.h"
    #define RND (double)rand()/RAND_MAX
    int main()
    	int n = 5;
    	printf("\nmain: testing nvector_alloc ...\n");
    	nvector *v = nvector_alloc(n);
    	if (v == NULL) printf("test failed\n");
    	else printf("test passed\n");
    	printf("\nmain: testing nvector_set and nvector_get ...\n");
    	double value = RND;
    	int i = n / 2;
    	nvector_set(v, i, value);
    	double vi = nvector_get(v, i);
    	if (double_equal(vi, value)) printf("test passed\n");
    	else printf("test failed\n");
    	printf("\nmain: testing nvector_add ...\n");
    	nvector *a = nvector_alloc(n);
    	nvector *b = nvector_alloc(n);
    	nvector *c = nvector_alloc(n);
    	for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
    		double x = RND, y = RND;
    		nvector_set(a, i, x);
    		nvector_set(b, i, y);
    		nvector_set(c, i, x + y);
    	nvector_add(a, b);
    	nvector_print("a+b should   = ", c);
    	nvector_print("a+b actually = ", a);
    	if (nvector_equal(c, a)) printf("test passed\n");
    	else printf("test failed\n");
    	return 0;
  3. (Optional)

    Implement range checking using <assert.h>, for example,

    void nvector_set(nvector* v, int i, double value){
    	assert( 0 <= i && i < (*v).size )