Questions 6

  1. In gnuplot, how do you specify the ranges on the x- and y- axes?

  2. In the datafile for gnuplot, how do you separate data intended for separate lines on the plot?

  3. Suppose you have a data-file with several columns of data. With gnuplot, how do you plot, say, third column vs. second? Hint: in gnuplot: help plot using.

  4. Suppose you have a data-file with (x,y) data organised in two columns. How do you plot, say, y2 vs. x? Hint: in gnuplot: help plot using.

  5. How can you find out whether GSL is installed on your box? Hint: gsl-config.

  6. How can you find out which C-flags you need to use with your GSL installation? Hint: gsl-config.

  7. How can you find out which libraries you need to link with your GSL installation? Hint: gsl-config.

  8. Explain the syntax `command` and $(command) in bash. Hint: Bash command substitution; POSIX shell command substitution.

  9. Why do you need double-dollar, $$(command), in the Makefile? Hint: GNU make: variables in recipes.

  10. What is "recipe echoing"?

  11. What will the following Makefile print?

    pwd = a string
    	@echo pwd
    	@echo `pwd`
    	@echo $(pwd)
    	@echo $$(pwd)
  12. In C-language "type conversion" (or "coersion" or "casting") is allowed with the explicit cast operator (type)variable. So, what does the following line mean?

    double  a = *(double*)params;