Note "pointers"


Suppose we have a variable
double x=1.23;
The content of this variable is kept in the computer memory at a certain location. One can get the "address of" (or "pointer to") this location, &x, using the address-of operator & (also called referencing operator). The object &x has the type double* called "pointer to double". The address can be stored in a variable of type double*,
double* p = &x;
The variable p of the type double* is called a pointer (to double). It holds a pointer to the location in the computer memory where a double value is kept.

One can extract the double value at that memory location using the value-at operator * (also called dereferencing operator): *p. Thus *p is the double value kept in the memory location pointed by the pointer p. Therefore,

should produce 1.23.

A copy of the pointer,

double* q = p;
points to the same location, so
should also produce 1.23.

Now if one changes the content at the address q,

*q = 7.0;
then both x and *p change to 7.0 as they both refer to the same memory location.

The declaration double* p; can be also written and interpreted as double *p;.

There exist pointers to all types, not only to double.

Why use pointers in C?

Pointers and arrays

In the C-language arrays are largely implemented as pointers. Suppose we declare an array double a[9]. Then the varible a has the type double* and is actually a pointer to the first element of the array. In principle it knows also the size of the array, but there is no way to get it, so for all purposes the C-arrays do not know their sizes.

The element indexing operation a[i] is actually implemented as *(a+i). That is, "the content of the i'th double location in the memory counted from a".

Argument passing

When a C-function is called, it gets the copies of its arguments. This property of the C-language leads to several problems features:

  1. A function cannot change the variables in the caller's scope, since the function gets copies of the variables.
  2. Passing a huge object to a function would unnecessarily create a copy of the object thus wasting resources.
  3. A function in C can only return one value while sometimes you need to return several values and you don't want to create a special object to keep these several values in one variable.

Pointers allow one to overcome these features by passing a pointer to the object instead of the object itself. Indeed,

  1. A copy of a pointer points to the same location, so changing the value at the location changes the value at the caller's scope.
  2. Passing a pointer to an object allows the function to work with the object itself, no need to create a copy of the object.
  3. Passing a pointer to a variable allows the function to return a value by placing it at the pointer's location.