Note "passing functions as paramters"

Pointer to function
A pointer to a function is an ordinary type in the C-language. It can be declared as, for example, the following,
double (*f)(double);
Now f is a variable containing a pointer to a function that takes one double argument and returns a double result.

One can assign a value to this variable and then use it as a normal function, for example, after #include"math.h",

printf( "%g\n", f(1) );
Functions as arguments
One can pass (pointers to) functions as arguments to other functions just like any other variables, for example,

void print_f_of_1 ( double (*f)(double) ) {

int main(){
        print_f_of_1 (sin);
        print_f_of_1 (cos);
        print_f_of_1 (tan);
return 0;
Pointers to functions in arrays and structures

Pointers to functions, like other types of variables, can be elements of arrays, for example,


int main(){
        double (*f[3])(double) = {sin,cos,tan};
        for(int i=0;i<3;i++)printf("%g\n",f[i](1));
return 0;
or members of structures, for example,
struct funs {double (*a) (double); double (*b) (double);};
int main(){
        struct funs F = {.a=sin,.b=cos};
        printf("%g %g\n",F.a(1),F.b(1));
return 0;