Practical Programming 2017: Re-examination assignments for 27/06 run


Make your project in a separate subfolder with an intuitive name, like "exam".

There should be a Makefile which should build the project using only the command make.

Do not forget also an adequate clean target in your makefile.

The main target of the examination project should be an intuitively named pdf file (like "report.pdf") containing the report.

The report on the examination project should be written in LaTeX using the article class or any other class. It should be around one or two pages long and should contain

Remember to actually build the project.

The last commit must be before the deadline (which is 24 hours after the start time).

Remember to upload your "report.pdf" file to the university's examination server in due time.

Now, look up the question to answer and the practical assignment to implement in the table below from the row corresponding to your name.

time now: 22/Jan/2018-11:00
next run : 27/Jun/2017-10:00 you go, good luck, you have got 24 hours :)

NameThe question(s) to be answered in the text of the reportThe serial number(s) of the practical assignment from this list
Christine Damgaard Asmussenquestion number 10 from lecture 5 4 or 27 (at your choice)