Introduction to General Relativity. Pensum.

  1. Curvilinear coordinates
    1. Einstein's equivalence principle
    2. Curvilinear coordinates. Covariant differentiation and Christoffel symbols DAa=dAaabcAbdxc. Geodesic as a "no-acceleration" trajectory Dua=0.
    3. Metric tensor ds2=gabdxadxb. Geodesics from the variational principle δ∫ds=0. Connection between Christoffel symbols and the metric tensor Γabc=1/2(gab,cgbc,d+gcd,b).
    4. Motion of a particle in a gravitational field. Maxwell equations in the presence of a gravitaional field Fab;a=4πjb. Motion of a particle in the presence of both gravitational and electromagnetic field, [(Dua)/(ds)]=Fabub.
  2. Gravitational field equations
    1. Riemann curvature tensor Rabcd. Properties of the curvature tensor.
    2. Invariant volume element √{−g}dΩ.
    3. Hilbert's action for the gravitation field S=−[1/(2κ)]∫R√{−g}dΩ.
    4. Energy-momentum tensor Tab of the matter.
    5. Einstein's equations for the gravitational field Rab1/2RgabTab.
  3. Solutions of the field equations
    1. Newton's limit of the Einstein's equations.
    2. Weak gravitational waves.
    3. Centrally symmetric field. Schwarzschild metric.
    4. Gravitational collapse. Lemaitre metric.
    5. Mercury perihelon advance. Bending of light. Gravitational red shift.
  4. Relativistic cosmology
    1. Uniform and isotropic universe and its geometry.
    2. Friedman's equation. Friedman-Lemaitre metric.
    3. Red shift and the Hubble constant.

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