Quantum Field Theory. Note « 9 »

Cross sections and decay probabilities (Moulders: chapter 11)
Reaction matrix T and reaction amplitude Mfi
S = 1 - i T
Sfi = δfi - i (2π)4δ(pf - pi) Mfi
Decay probability per unit time
fi = |Mfi|2 (2π)4δ(pf - pi) Πnd³pn/(2π)³
Cross section
fi = 1/u |Mfi|2 (2π)4δ(pf - pi) Πnd³pn/(2π)³
Invariant perturbation theory
Time ordered product and Normal ordered product of field operators
T(A(t)B(t')) = A(t)B(t'), if t>t'
T(A(t)B(t')) = B(t')A(t), if t'>t (! sign change for fermions)
N(AB) = (all generators to the left)(all anihilators to the right)
For a scalar field
Δ[φ(x)φ+(x')] = i∫ d4k/(2π)4 (1/k²-m²+i0)e-ik(x-x')
Propagator and the Green function G
G(x-x') = i Δ[φ(x)φ+(x')]
Wicks theorem
For two operators
T(AB) = N(AB) + Δ(AB)
For many operators
+ Δ(AB)N(CDE...Z) + Δ(AB)Δ(CD)N(E...Z)
+ (all other possible combinations of propagators times normal product of the rest)
  • Prove that d³p/(2E) is Lorentz invariant. (Hint: consider δ(p2-m2)d4p).
  • Consider an unstable particle that decays into two other particles with a given amplitude Mfi. Calculate the differential decay probability dλ/dΩ in the rest frame of the decaying particle.
    Answer: dλ(1→2+3)/dΩ= (k/2)|Mfi|2(E2E3/m1)

  • Copyleft © 2000-2002 D.V.Fedorov (fedorov@ifa.au.dk)