Quantum Field Theory. Note « 5 »

Parity transformation
Parity transformation of the coordinates
P ( tx ) = ( t-x )
Transformation of the generators A and B of the Lorentz group
PAP-1 = B ; PBP-1 = A
Therefore under the parity transformation the representations (j1j2) and (j2j1) of the Lorentz group transform into each other
d(j1j2) ↔ d(j2j1)
Irreducible representation D(j1,j2) of the general Lorentz group can then be made as a direct sum (j1j2)⊕(j2j1)
D(j1,j2) = [
d(j1j2) 0
0 d(j2j1)
For the important spin ½ field the Lorentz transformation is ( φχ )' = [ d0 0(d+)-1 ] ( φχ )
Bilinear forms of bispinors. Dirac matrices
The Dirac matrices reduce a direct product ψ*⊗ψ into irreducible objects
Scalar, S= ψψ ≡ ψ+γ0ψ , γ0=[01 10]
Pseudoscalar, P= ψγ5ψ , γ5=i[10 0-1]
Four-vector, Vi= ψγiψ , γ=[0σ 0]
Pseudo-vector, Ai= ψγiγ5ψ ,
Antisymmetric tensor Tij = ψ½(γiγjjγi
(Mulders, Excercise 3.5) Show that if the spinor φ transforms under (½0) then the spinor φ* transforms under (0½). Hint: show that there exists a unitary transformation U+σU=-σ*

Copyleft © 2000-2002 D.V.Fedorov (fedorov@ifa.au.dk)