Quantum Field Theory. Note « 12 »

The standard model (Moulders,chapter 12)
Yang-Mills theories have an internal symmetry of the Lagrangian under a group transformation
ψ → exp(iαaIa)ψ .
The generators Ia of the group satisfy the Lie algebra
[Ia,Ib]=iCcabIc .
If structure constants Ccab are not zero the theory is called non-Abelian.

The Yang-Mills Lagrangian

L=iψγμDμψ - mψψ ,
Dμ=∂μ-igBμ , Bμ≡ BaμIa
is invariant if the transformation rule for the gauge fields Bμ is chosen
Baμ → Baμ+1/gDμαa

The generalization of the electro-magnetic tensor Fμν is the invariant tensor Gμν

Gμν = i[Dμ,Dν] = ∂μBν - ∂νBμ - ig[BμBν],
and the generalization of the electro-magnetic Lagrangian is
LB = -1/4GaμνGaμν = -1/2TrGμνGμν
  1. Check that the tensor Gμν = i[Dμ,Dν] is gauge invariant.
  2. Check that the trace Tr(GμνGμν) is a real scalar (can be used as a Lagrangian density).

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