Quantum Field Theory. Note « 10 »

Feynman diagrams in coordinate space
The n-th order term in the perturbative expantion of the S-matrix with the interaction lagrangian Lint is
S(n) = (-ig)n/n! ∫ d4x1...d4xn T[ Lint(x1)...Lint(xn)]
According to the Wick's theorem the T-product turns into a sum of normal products with all possible combinations of propagators
T[ψ1ψ111+)... ψnψnnn+)] = ∑all possibilities N[...]Δ(...)
Each term in this expansion is represented by a diagram as follows:
  • For the interaction Lagrangian Lint=-gψψφ draw all distinct Feynman diagrams of the fourth order.

  • Copyleft © 2000-2002 D.V.Fedorov (fedorov@ifa.au.dk)