Aarhus Universitets segl

2nd TESS Data for Asteroseismology workshop 2017

The idea with the TESS Data for Asteroseismology (T'DA) workshop series is to prepare for an efficient facilitation of high quality data for asteroseismology from the future NASA TESS mission, and this to the whole of the TESS Asteroseismic Science Consortium (TASC).

TESS will observe close to the full sky within its 2 year nominal mission, with full frame images (FFIs) taken every ~30 minutes. This will result in a data rate unlike that of Kepler or CoRoT, and with new data arriving every ~27 days.The TASC Working Group 0 (WG0) is tasked with delivering analysis ready light curves for all of TASC, hence encompassing many different types of stars, and for all targets observed, including those in FFIs. This calls for optimised pipelines in terms of the data rate, and light curve preparation that can deal with many different types of objects.

With the T'DA workshop series we want to bring together people from TASC with experience from, e.g., Kepler or CoRoT in order to test different approaches to the tasks at hand. The goal is to end out with a robust and optimised pipeline for TESS data preparation. 

The second workshop in the series, T'DA2: "Producing Light curves and Classifying Stars", will take place at Aarhus University, DK, on 18-21 April 2017; T'DA2 will deal specifically with the correction of raw light curves for different stellar types, and the classification of these. Remote participation will be possible during the workshops.

Simulated light curves will be prepared before T'DA2  (early March) for a range of different stellar types, magnitudes, cadences, observing durations, etc. A link to the data can be found under the "Simulated data" sub page, or via the WG0 wiki on tasoc.dk. We expect that participants with experience in light curve correction or classification will have analysed the simulated data before the workshop - this will allow us to compare the different available methods.

You can also follow the workshop on twitter via #TDAWG0

If you have any questions to the workshop they may be directed to Mikkel N. Lund (lundm(at)bison.ph.bham.ac.uk) or other members of the LOC.

Mikkel N. Lund (Birmingham)
Rasmus Handberg (Aarhus)
Louise Børsen-Koch (Aarhus)